Extend the Cuddle

About us

The Cuddlesheet wrapped in a bow

Mission and Vision + Brand Promise Statements

Brand Promise
We are dedicated to extending your cuddle by solving the challenge of uncomfortable skin-on-skin contact creating a closer, deeper bond between you and your partner. Trust us to provide an innovative solution that enhances your cuddling experience with moments of warmth, intimacy, and lasting connection.

Our mission is to provide a longer cuddle session between you and your partner, extending intimacy and creating a more comfortable  environment for consenting partners.

Our vision is rooted in the belief that every couple deserves a better cuddle and deeper connection. We want to be a driving force behind a positive shift in the world of cuddling, leading the way towards a more fulfilling and authentic experience. Together we will create a future where the simple act of cuddling becomes a catalyst for happiness and intimacy.

The Sheet that Gives Back

We are proud to give back! With each purchase of a CuddleSheet, a portion goes to donating sheets to a family in need.

How Does It Work?

‘How do you cuddle?’ ‘Do you wish your cuddle lasted longer?’ These are some of our favorite conversation starters. We know not everyone is satisfied with their cuddle, and we are here to help change that. We would like to introduce ourselves, we are Mitch and Bootsy, the inventors of The CuddleSheet and we’re all about physical touch and quality time. Let us take you back…

It all started when we realized cuddling could get sticky and sweaty. Mitch thought, ‘Others must feel this too.’ So, with Mitch’s mom, a skilled seamstress, we tested prototypes until we nailed it—The CuddleSheet was born!

But that’s not all. Bootsy discovered extra benefits, like using it between her legs for a comfy sleep or stopping Mitch’s chest hair from tickling her back. Now, we take the CuddleSheet everywhere.

Join the fun and explore new cuddling positions with the CuddleSheet. Our goal? To help you enjoy cuddling even more!

Exciting things are in store for the CuddleSheet brand. Stay tuned!

Extend Your Cuddle,
Mitch and Bootsy